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Welcome to Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
120 Main Street, Upton MA 01568-6193
Antoni Tàpies: Medium-size lithographs, 1967-1982
Carrés / Squares (Galfetti 139). Original color lithograph, 1967. 75 signed and numbered impressions on Chiffon de Mandeure paper printed by Imprimerie Arte, Paris, and published by Maeght Editeur, Paris. Our impression is n. 10/75. Image size: 450x630mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
La Nuit Grandissante II (Galfetti 178). Original color lithograph, 1968. Tàpies and Jacques Dupin collaborated on a deluxe livre d'artiste containing a text by Dupin and 11 lithographs by Tàpies, of which this is one. The work was printed and published by Erker-Presse, St. Gall, on BFK Rives paper measuring 450x340mm. The deluxe edition, numbered 1-10, also came with a separate portfolio of the lithographs on unfolded sheets each signed by Tàpies (see photo above). The regular edition contined 100 unsigned impressions of each lithograph. There were also 30 examples numbered I-XXX for the collaborators. Image size: 450x340mm; paper size: 450x680mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Noir on fond blanc / Black on white (Galfetti 280). Original color lithograph, 1971. 150 pencil-signed and numbered impressions on Rives paper measuring 550x755mm printed by Imprimerie Benteli, Bern, and and published by Maeght Editeur, Paris; our impression is n. 27/100. There was also an edition of unknown size published in an exhibition catalogue by Galerie Maeght, Zurich, in a format of 320x230mm, trimed and with centerfold. Image size: 550x755mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Rouge et crayon / Red and gray crayon (Galfetti 531). Original color lithograph, 1975. 100 pencil-signed and numbered impressions on Guarro paper measuring 420x570mm printed by Damia Caus, Barcelona, and and published by Ediciones Galeria Maeght, Barcelona; our impression is n. 27/100. There was also an edition of unknown size published in an exhibition catalogue by Galeria Maeght, Barcelona, in a format of 320x230mm, trimed and with centerfold. Image size: 420x570mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
24x17 (Galfetti 624). Original color lithograph, 1976. 75 pencil-signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper measuring 760x555mm printed by Imprimerie Arte, Paris, and published by Maeght Editeur, Paris. Our impression is n. 52/75. This is one of our favorite Tàpies lithographs; here the seeeming simplicity of 24x17 (= 408) is complicated: the world isn't just black and white; it's black and magenta and white and pink. Image size: 560x450mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Les Trois Noirs / The three blacks (Galfetti 624). Original color lithograph, 1976. 75 pencil-signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper measuring 650x500mm printed by Imprimerie Arte, Paris, and published by Maeght Editeur, Paris. Our impression is n. 13/75. Image size: 650x495mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
La Scene / The theater stage (Galfetti 637). Original color lithograph, 1976. 75 pencil-signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper measuring 560x760mm printed by Imprimerie Arte, Paris, and published by Maeght Editeur, Paris. Our impression is n. 68/75. There is also an edition of unknown size bound into Georges Raillard's Tàpies (Paris: Maeght Editeur, 1976) in which the lithograph is bound into the book (285x280mm) as a two-page centerfold, trimmed to fit and unsigned. One of Tàpies' richest prints showing the stage on which his images perform the play of life. Image size: 490x760mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Quatre rectangles (Galfetti 724). Original color lithograph, 1979. This is one of the suite of 5 etchings and two lithographs that Tàpies prepared to accompany U no és ningú / Nobody is a nobody, a deluxe artist's book containing prose and poetry by Joan Brossa. The book format was 345x250mm and contained the original works printed without margins and with centerfolds. The first 157 copies of the book were accompanied by separate suites of the prints printed on larger paper measuring 560x733mm with full margins as follows: 82 roman-numbered impressions (I/LXXXII-LXXXII/LXXXII) on Guarro paper, of which the first 7 copes (I-VII) contained one of the original drawings plus all seven of the prints, the next 75 (VIII-LXXXII) contained the same suite of prints, and the last 75, numbered 1-75 contained the two lithographs and three of the etchings (Cinta Roja, Cercle, and U no és nungú) printed by Ediciones Poligrafa SA in Barcelona; There were also 10 signed impressions hors commerce and 10 signed artist's proof impressions; ours is a pencil-signed impression annotated HC. One of Tàpies' most mysterious prints. Image size: 333x498mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Sous Zero / Under zero (Galfetti 731). Original color lithograph, 1979. 75 signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper printed by Imprimerie Mourlot, Paris, and published by Maeght Editeur, Paris. Our impression is n. 39/75. There was also a separate edition published in the deluxe art review, Derriere le Miroir on paper measuring 380x280mm, trimmed to fit and with centerfolds. The title directs us first to the white line under the white zero in the middle of the lithograph, but to look only at that is to miss the entire little world of black numbers on light backgrounds surrounded by little squiggly magenta serpentine marks crossing the paper. Image size: 450x530mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
We also have an impression of this piece from the edition in Derriere le Miroir on paper measuring 380x280mm, trimmed to fit and with centerfolds. Image size: 380x560mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
A. M. (Galfetti 898). Original color lithograph, 1982. 75 signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper printed by Atelier Lelong, Paris, and published by Galerie Lelong, Paris. Our impression is n. 2/75. There was also a separate edition published in the deluxe art review, Derriere le Miroir on paper measuring 380x280mm, trimmed to fit and with centerfolds. Since this lithograph appeared in a special number of Derriere le Miroir produced as an Hommage to Aimé and Marguerite Maeght, who had both died during the preceding year, thinking first of Aimé Maeght, the founder of Galerie Maeght and Tàpies' dealer since the early 1960s seems appropriate, but with Tàpies, it is probably always best to think of more than just what might be merely appropriate! Exhibited at the Palazzo Reale in Milan as part of their 1985 retrospective of Tàpies paintings, drawings, and prints. Image size: 540x706mm.. Image size: 450x530mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Lunettes (Galfetti 1086). Original color lithograph, 1986. 75 signed and numbered impressions published by Lelong Editeur of which this is one. Image size: 320x660cm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
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