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Robert Motherwell (American, 1915-1991): Original Prints
Flight (Belknap 38; Engberg & Banach 67). Original color serigraph, 1970. 250 signed & numbered impressions on Arches paper (plus 50 impressions on Crisbrook Waterleaf). This print is closely related to a series of collages Motherwell executed in 1968 titled In Beige with White. This work was donated to help raise funds for the International Rescue Committee which was dedicated to help rescue artists, writers, musicians, and intellectuals in imminent danger of political, repression. Chagall, who had been saved from the Nazis in 1940 after the fall of France by an earlier version of the group, also contributed to the portfolio. Image size: 647x500mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
London Series I (Belknap 60; Engberg & Banach 93). Original color serigraph, 1971. 150 signed & numbered impressions on J. B. Green mould-made Double elephant paper printed at Kelpra Studios in London. This is part of a series of works in Motherwell's "open" Series of compostions. Image size: 915x610mm (36"x24"); paper size: 1041x717mm (41"x28.25"). Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
(Despite appearances, this is a rectangular format and the orange is uniform in color.)
The Soot-Black Stone n. 2 (Belknap 114; Engberg & Banach 163). Original lithograph, 1973. 47 signed & numbered impressions (of which ours is 12/47) plus 10 artist's proofs. Published by Gemini G.E.L. with their chop; printed on handmade Hawthorne of Larroque paper. Image size: 762x460mm; paper size: 914x610mm (36x24 inches). Price: SOLD.
Untitled (Belknap 150; Engberg & Banach 181). Original color aquatint, lift-ground etching and aquatint, and soft-ground etching, 1975. 69 signed and numbered impressions plus 12 signed artist's proofs numbered in Roman numerals. Our impression is n. 30/69. Published by Brooke Alexander and printed by Catherine Moslesy at the artist's studio in Greenwich CT. Printed on BFK RIves mould-made paper. A very beautiful and sought after print. Image size: 238x402mm; paper size: 654x502mm (25-3/4x19-3/4 inches. Price: SOLD.
Oy/Yo (Belknap 227, Engberg & Banach 203). Original color soft-ground etching, aquatint, and collage, 1978. 78 signed & numbered impressions. Although it is hard to tell, the irregular black object top center is a piece of paper collaged in place; on it has been etched diagonally from lower left to upper right the title: "Oy / Yo" in large loosely-etched letters. One of Motherwell's most beautiful images; Engberg & Banach give it a full-page color reproduction in their catalogue raisonné. Image size: 678x556mm. Price: SOLD.
Paris Suite ISpring (Belknap 231; Engberg & Banach 264). Original color lithograph, 1980. 60 signed and numbered impressions plus 17 signed artist's proofs numbered in Roman numerals. Our impression is n. 34/60. Published by Brooke Alexander and printed by Maurice Sanchez at Derriere l'Etoile Studios in NY. Printed on J. B. Green handmade paper. A very beautiful and sought after print. Image size: 231x2554mm, paper size: 489x489mm (19-1/4x19-1/4 inches). Price: SOLD.
The blue in this photograph is closest to the actual blue of the lithograph.
Octavio Paz SuiteNocturne II (Belknap 355; Engberg & Banach 416). Original lithograph and chine collé, 1967-88. Edition: 50 signed & numbered impressions on handmade Japanese Gampi paper. There are also 750 unsigned impressions on paper with small margins in a bound book and 20 portfolios combining the image with the text. Image size: 350x274mm; paper size: 534x540mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Mostly Mozart Festival (Engberg & Banach 526), Original color lithograph and screenprint, 1991. 800 impressions on Arches, all with text ("Mostly Mozart Festival"), of which Motherwell signed 20 the day before his unexpected death. Of the remaining 780 impressions, 300 were reserved for use at Lincoln Center and the remaining 480 were available for purchase (Engberg & Banach call for 25 signed impressions on Somerset paper; our information comes directly from Tom Lollar, head of the Lincoln Center Print Collection and from the large Arches watermark on all of the copies we received directly from Lincoln Center). This beautiful work is the last print Motherwell completed before his sudden and unexpected death. Lincoln Center sold their last few impressions of the unsigned poster at Please call or email for current pricing information each (unframed); our customers have told us that dealers have offered these pieces for as much as Please call or email for current pricing information each unsigned and unframed. Image size: 678x556mm; paper size: 1010x740mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
We also have one of the 20 signed impressions available for purchase (see image left). Price: SOLD.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
To purchase, call us at 1-800-809-3343 (1-508-529-2511 in Upton MA & vicinity) or send an email to spaightwood@gmail.com.
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All works are sold with an unconditional guarantee of authenticity (as described in our website listing).
Copyright 2004-2017, Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
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Visiting hours: Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday noon to 6:00 pm and other times by arrangement.
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